Monday 30 January 2012

laser teeth whitening liverpool

The Crystal Laser Teeth Whitening method delivers whiter teeth in just 1 hour.  Treatments are only carried out by fully qualified Crystal Therapists.  We provide treatments at an ever expanding network of hair, beauty and health related locations throughout the Liverpool, Chester and Wirral areas.

A protective barrier is placed around the gums and then a whitening gel is applied to each tooth.  A medical grade laser is then used to activate the gel.  This enables the gel the swiftly penetrate the anamel of each tooth.  Each application takes 10 minutes.  A full treatment involves three to four applications.  The net result is teeth that are upto 10 shades lighter.  The complete process takes around 1 hour.

The Crystal Method produces whiter teeth in just 1 hour.  The procedure does not damage tooth enamel.  Like all other methods some people do experience varying degrees of discomfort but this temporary.  If any discomfort is experienced it is normally gone within 24-48 hours.As a general precaution we advise pregnant or nursing ladies to consult their GP before having any cosmetic proedure and this naturally includes teeth whitening.

After a treatment teeth will remain noticably whiter for 18-24 months.  The reason our teeth fade or become discoloured in the first place is related to what we eat and drink and how our dental care regime.  It is therefore important to review your dental care regime and make sure you do clean your new pearly whites properly and regularly.The Crystal Method costs just £99 for a series of treatments completed during a single one hour session.  There are no hidden extras.  It really is a low cost quick and safe way to have whiter teeth.  Check out the list of locations we provide treatments at and then call us to discuss your specific requirements.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

laser teeth whitening liverpool

In the modern world of today, every treatment is made easier with the use of laser. Teeth whitening are no exception. Laser teeth whitening is now one of the options that people have if they want to have whiter teeth.

Laser teeth whitening is best for those who want it done painlessly and quickly. Unlike other methods of teeth whitening, you do not have to wait days or months to see the result of the treatment. You will notice that once the laser treatment is finished, your teeth are whiter than it used to be.

Many people are choosing this option because of the fast result that it will bring you. If you need to be in a presentation or a gathering wherein you want everyone to notice how beautiful your smile is, this is the best method that you can hope for.

How does the process of laser teeth whitening works?

1. Teeth cleaning.

The dental expert will begin the process by first cleaning your teeth. This is important because plaque and germs that are present in your teeth will have a major effect on the whitening process.

The result of the treatment is greatly affected by the present condition of your teeth. That is why they have to be cleaned first and foremost.

2. Application of whitening gel and laser treatment.

Once your teeth are cleaned, the dentist will put the whitening gel on your teeth. After the gel is applied, you will then be readied and positioned for the laser treatment.

The purpose of the laser here is to enhance the whitening process of the gel. Without laser, it would take several minutes or hours before the gel can penetrate your teeth. With laser, the whitening ingredients in the gel are immediately activated so that it will produce results in a matter of seconds.

For extreme cases of discoloration, one session is not enough to achieve the desired result. Sometimes, the person is told to come back again for some more sessions before the changes in the teeth color will become noticeable.

But for those who have mild teeth discoloration, a session is oftentimes enough.

Is laser whitening for everyone?

Like all professional teeth whitening treatment, you can expect to pay a higher price for it. Laser teeth whitening can be as expensive as the dentist-assisted method.

If you are used to the whitening products that you can buy from stores, you will be surprised at the cost that laser teeth whitening.

It can be noted that the price vary depending on the dentist and the clinic performing the treatment. If you want to get the best deal out of your money, you can do some extra research to find out which one is offering a competitive price.

Over the internet, you will be given choices of laser teeth whitening clinics to choose. Before selecting one, go over all the others so that you will not miss out on other great offers.

If you are intent on having that great white smile, you can set up a budget just for the laser teeth whitening session. Once you see the result, you will not be sorry and you can say that your money was well spent.

Just think of it this way. Why spend repeatedly on something that will take longer when you can spend it on laser teeth whitening and have that instantaneous and great result.

Tooth whitening is a method where many people take when they noticed that their teeth have been stained. Tooth discoloration is due to smoking, chemicals or food stained by medications and aging.

Now with the latest technology, tooth whitening can be done easily and in some instances teeth may be whitened beyond its natural teeth color. Laser teeth whitening procedure is able to fix certain forms of yellow, brown and spotted tooth staining and suitable on people of all ages. This is a good choice in restoring the brightness and bringing the smile alive.

In New York, laser teeth whitening is done in clinics using genuine laser system from Opus 10 and LaserSmile. Red light is generated when laser tooth whitening is done.

Here are some benefits of laser teeth whitening:

1. It is much faster and gentlest whitening system than ordinary or non-laser system. Laser teeth whitening takes only 16 minutes of gel-to-teeth contact time compared to 60 minutes for non-laser system.

2. In laser system you don't need to wear the tray overnight while in other whitening system it requires the whitening gel to be worn overnight.

3. Less post-procedure sensitivity and faster treatment time because laser tooth whitening system has more efficient laser energy due to precise wavelengths.

There are some things that should take into consideration before undergoing a laser teeth whitening procedure.

It is not recommended for alcohol users or smokers to undergo bleaching. It should be avoided before the teeth undergo bleaching process. Smoking is the cause of damage to gums and tissue on teeth and may trounce the effect of whitening. The top customer for laser teeth whitening is those who have teeth discolored caused by aging, coffee or tobacco.

Porcelain restorations and extensive composite. Pre-existing restoration such as crowns, veneers, bonding, bridges and fillings are not appropriate for bleaching instead it will be replaced in match with the color to your newly whitened shade.

Former existing sensitive and translucent teeth. More than half of those who undergo laser teeth whitening will experience the pain of sensitive teeth for 1-4 days. But the pain will just ease when bleaching is almost done. Some of translucent teeth may appear darker after bleaching.

Restoration of Amalgam in front teeth and exposed yellow in gingival third. It is required to have a protected prognosis for tooth whitening and also replacement of amalgam is needed to avoid the greening effect.

Unrealistic expectation or noncompliance. The level of teeth whiteness from one person to another differs. Also the result of color shade change relies on each individual's reaction to the whitening agent. Some people may or may not react in this condition.
 Cosmetic dental care is more popular these nights because there are numerous people focused on the appearance of these teeth. A large most those enthusiastic about the tooth business should indeed be concerned concerning teeth whitening and also wants to get the ideal method of funds laundering.

Using enamel whitening usually not because they desire their teeth with a healthy physical appearance, and therefore how many procedures on this particular industry of dental care for bleach ... 

Many people out there hesitate to smile because of yellow and/or stained teeth. That’s a real shame considering that modern teeth whitening methods can and will improve the appearance of many people’s teeth. Here you will learn about the best teeth whitening solutions and hopefully you will find a method that’s most ideal for you. What are the different types of teeth whitening available? At TRACEY BELL we offer two types of whitening: Laser / in-surgery Teeth Whitening Professional home whitening kits ENLIGHTEN AND ZOOM are the most popular types of teeth whitening at TRACEY BELL Once your treatment is complete your dentist will remove the gel and a shade guide will then be used to measure how much whiter your teeth have become during the procedure. The results are instant and can often be up to 10 shades lighter. Some people experience no pain or sensitivity with their teeth. However, the majority of people will experience some kind of sensitivity either during and/or after the initial treatment. This is usually described by patients as sporadic, sharp shooting pains coming from their teeth. This should settle down after approximately 48 hours though. Your dentist may give you a special gel or mousse to apply to your teeth to help with the sensitivity. It is advisable to avoid hot or cold food and drinks within the first 48 hours of your whitening treatment. Which teeth-whitening brand or system is the best? There are many different brands of professional teeth
There are several different ways that we can whiten your teeth. These are separated into external techniques (where gel is placed on the outside of the tooth) and internal techniques (where gel is placed inside the tooth).

External whitening

This means that the colour of the teeth is lightened by placing a gel on the outer surfaces of the teeth. Once again, using bleaching gels in this way may not work for certain types of discolouration, such as that caused by metal fillings or damaged blood vessels inside a tooth. There are three ways to do whiten teeth.

  • "Home" bleaching - this is similar to the over-the-counter kits, but with two main differences. Firstly, we make a custom trays so that they fit your teeth precisely, and secondly, the bleaching gel is stronger so it tends to be more effective. We will give you tubes of bleaching gel and instructions on how to use the trays. You will need to wear the trays for at least a few hours each day. It may take a few weeks to achieve the colour that you want.
  • In the dental surgery - "power" or "laser" bleaching. Your dentist may put a rubber seal around your teeth to protect your gums. Then gel is placed onto your teeth and a special, bright light is used. This light enhances the whitening process. The appointment may take approximately one hour.
  • Combined bleaching - this may also be known as "power" bleaching - both the home and surgery bleaching are used in combination to obtain the desired result. The home bleaching stage may occur before or after surgery treatment - this depends on the type of product used.eeth Whitening Liverpool – 07961 259 342 – Dentists in Liverpoolcan i have your attention please. If you want to rank on the first page of search results for terms just like Teeth Whitening Liverpool, then you need to give me a call. If you’re a Dentist offering Teeth Whitening Services in the Liverpool area, then you need to have your website on the first page of Google just like this video. If you’re not there, guess who will be? The other Dentists in your area are going to end up here if you’re not. Simple as that ! Just looking at the number of video views you can see how many people are looking for YOUR services in YOUR area of business and are finding this video instead of you!
  • Naturawhite are a UK teeth whitening company, based primarily in Scotland. Here is a little clip of us performing laser teeth whitening at a professional beauty show. The video will help those considering getting their teeth whitened understand how the laser treatments works and exactly what’s involved. As you can see it’s a very simple, quick and most importantly, effective procedure. If you’re interested in getting your teeth professionally whitened  Containing LightBridge™ technology, system produces zero UV light, allows the treating dentist to adjust the light intensity according to the tooth condition of the patient, includes the dual-wavelength curing light capable of curing any dental composite on the market today, adds 360° range of motion for perfect positioning within any treatment room, touch-user interface (TUI), remote control, motorized height adjustment, and optional low-level laser therapy device for the ultimate whitening system for any practice. The BEYOND™ Polus™ 30-minute chair-side treatment combines the Polus™ Accelerator with our unique H2O2 gel for predictable, long-lasting results in a single treatment for as little as per patient.

Friday 23 December 2011

laser teeth whitening liverpool

Discolouration caused by the ageing process, by drinking too much coffee, tea, cola or red wine, or by smoking responds very well to whitening treatment, leaving your teeth up to ten shades whiter.there are three teeth whitening treatments available at Ollie & Darsh; which one is right for you depends on a number of factors that will be assessed by your clinician.

The latest “laser” whitening technique, Zoom 3D Advance is the quickest way to lighten your teeth by up to ten shades.Just one 90 minute appointment at the Ollie & Darsh clinic is all that’s needed to whiten and brighten your smile.  You can even watch a movie or catch up with some TV whilst the treatment takes place!

Whiten teeth by up to six shades at your convenience and in the comfort of your home. Easy to apply and very effective, home teeth whitening treatment is available FREE* to all Ollie & Darsh members.

Friday 16 December 2011

laser teeth whitening liverpool

One of the easiest ways to lift your smile is with one of Ollie & Darsh’s three highly effective teeth whitening treatments.discolouration caused by the ageing process, by drinking too much coffee, tea, cola or red wine, or by smoking responds very well to whitening treatment, leaving your teeth up to ten shades whiter.
There are three teeth whitening treatments available at Ollie & Darsh; which one is right for you depends on a number of factors that will be assessed by your clinician.

The latest “laser” whitening technique, Zoom 3D Advance is the quickest way to lighten your teeth by up to ten shades.Just one 90 minute appointment at the Ollie & Darsh clinic is all that’s needed to whiten and brighten your smile.  You can even watch a movie or catch up with some TV whilst the treatment takes place!

Enlighten Evolution is a teeth whitening system that allows you whiten your smile in the comfort of your home with a single final session at the clinic, producing a smile that, through correct maintenance, will last for years.
A fifteen day treatment that guarantees you achieve a B1 shade; call into our Liverpool practice for a free consultation and we can help you understand what this means.

We have now introduced our own Ollie & Darsh 'Teeth Whitening Diet' for those who have just had teeth whitening treatment.  The factsheet outlines foods and drink to avoid, as well as those that you can eat and drink for the first 48 hours after treatment.